First-Year Housing Application

First-Year Housing Application
First Year Students on Move-In

The housing application and the process timeline for the 2024-2025 new, first-year students is not yet available. Come back later!

Follow these three steps to select your on-campus home:

  1. Complete the Housing Application
  2. Form a ROOMMATe group
  3. Wait for your timeslot and Select a room!

Click any of the steps above to find out detailed information. 

Don't forget:

Pay Enrollment-Housing/Dining Deposit

Review the On-Campus Housing Requirement to find out if you are required to live on-campus. 

1. Complete the Housing Application

  • Visit your Housing Portal 
  • Login using your UNH Credentials
  • Select "Housing Application" on the blue menu bar
  • Select the "2024-2025 Academic Year" term  & select "Continue"
  • Complete all the steps of the application and make sure to navigate to the end 

After completing the application, you can always revisit the portal and edit any of the information.

2. Form a roommate group

Your housing selection is made with what is called a "Roommate Group." For example, if you are looking for a double, form a group of two (2). If you want a single or to partially fill a room with a random roommate, form a group of one (1).  

  • Find a roommate: There are many ways to find a roommate, check out our information here
  • Looking for a completely random roommate?: Form a group of one and select a during your timeslot (third step), whether it is a double or triple! A random roommate will then partially fill the other bed space in the room. 

3. Wait for your timeslot and select a room

Your timeslot is the time when your roommate group will be able to select a space on-campus. Group leaders are the only ones able to self-select during the given timeslot. Timeslots are randomly assigned and you will be notified when timeslots are distributed via your UNH email. Keep track of the process timeline to know when timeslots are distributed!

Are you interested in being a part of a Residential Learning Community (RLC)?

Eligibility for an RLC is based on criteria, such as a student's major, scholarship award, or honors designation. Students who are eligible for an RLC will receive their RLC-specific timeslots before the general selection timeslots are distributed. During the given RLC timeslot, you will only be able to select a room within the specified building or area for the RLC. If you don't want to be part of an RLC community just wait for the general timeslots to be distributed and don't make a selection during the RLC timeslot. 

Plan ahead!

  • Spend time learning about our wide range of Residential Learning Communities and Themed Halls/Floors  we offer. There is something for everyone!
  • Have more than one preference in mind when going into the Self-Selection Process. Having more options will save you time and stress. 
  • Remember there is no "best residence hall" on-campus, all halls are different and have unique features to offer. 
  • Please keep in mind, single rooms are limited for first year students.

If after selecting your space on-campus you decide you want a different option, you can always reach out to Housing and we will help you out. Changes happen all summer!